[CTF write up] N1CTF 2023 - n1proxy : Exploit UAF in Proxy Binary developed with RUST
https://github.com/Nu1LCTF/n1ctf-2023/blob/main/pwn/n1proxy/server/src/main.rs 문제 소스코드는 출제자의 Github에서 확인할 수 있다. 솔버가 1명 밖에 없는 문제였고, 대회 당시에 끝내지 못했지만, 굉장히 퀄리티가 높은 챌린지였기 때문에 대회 후에 마저 풀었다. You can check provided source code of challenge in author's github. It was a challenge with only one solver, and I couldn't finish it at the time of the competition, but it was a good challenge, so I finished it af..